Strong, Powerful, Bright

George Kennedy Public School is an incredible community that learns and grows together.

 We believe in being kind to one another, embracing individual learning styles and celebrating our unique talents.  

We shine bright, we are powerful, and together we are strong.  

We are the GK Strikers!

2025-2026 School Year Budget Development - Public Information Session 

The HDSB is starting the process of developing the 2025-2026 school year budget and will soon be seeking public feedback to help guide decision-making. To keep our community informed about the budget development process, parents/guardians, students, staff and community members are invited to a virtual Public Information Session on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025 at 7 p.m.

This session will provide key details about how the HDSB is funded, how resources are allocated and how you can provide input. Following the session, the HDSB will launch a public consultation process. Visit our Budget Consultation webpage to learn more and submit your questions for the Public Information Session: